Vlad Bokov

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Open Source

DeadCodeTerminator Statically remove dead conditional branches


PgExecArrayParams PG::Connection#exec_params with arrays


wekan-mattermost Notification bridge between Mattermost & Wekan


docker-nginx-brotli Opimized nginx container for static files


xxhashdir Fast filysystem fingerprinting using xxHash


realworldapp Realworld app for mobile applications


iproute Pure clojure/instaparse iproute2 output parser


clojure shell 1) say yes to dynamic runtime, self-aware code and REPL, say no to editors 2) rock on ;)


Google translate + Anki chrome plugin for quick translate + add new word


15 puzzle basic game in ClojureScript (+ property-based testing)


Rails::SessionCookie fast, loosely coupled requests tests for cookie-based authentication


joplin.mongoDB clojure database migration adapter


debugger for clojure the missing tool in the Clojure ecosystem


aprint awesome print for Clojure: like clojure.pprint, but awesome


lurker helps you to get pretty, documented and visible API


multi-schema switches over the postgres schemas inside ruby/rails


resque kalashnikov performs your HTTP requests in non-blocking way inside of a Resque worker



maintain russian translation of ruby-lang.org the Ruby website and curate list of awesome Clojure libraries and resources

committed to: ethereum/go-ethereum, universal-ctags/ctags, EternalTerminal, Gitiles, DomainDrivenArchitecture Org, HealthSamurai/hl7v2.clj, several projects in Ruby ecosystem rubyjedi/soap4r, shredder-rull/dsl_parsers, RubyMoney/money, rtomayko/replicate, tobias/dynapath, richarcher/Hatjitsu, quidproquo/mr_video, savonrb/gyoku, redis-store/redis-activesupport, gazay/gon, askbot/askbot-devel, airblade/paper_trail, kossnocorp/role-rails, redis-store/redis-store, ctran/annotate_models, taksan/skype-java-api, redis-store/redis-activesupport made small changes to others and rails/rails


HardcodeFM - podcast about programming (audio, ru)


101 intro to OSS licenses (slides, en) + slides (en)


Hacking on clojure.core & runtime (video, en) + slides (en)


Mad Tradeoffs (slides, ru)


Lecture in ASU university about blockchain (slides, ru)


Ethereum and smart contracts basics (video, ru) + slides (ru)


Intro to ClojureScript (slides, en)
